Learn More About Why Silver Lake is the Industry Standard In Baking!

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customersYear after year Silver Lake’s customer base grows and grows.  We pride ourselves on our family of repeat customers and retailers.  You can even view a gallery of our younger customers who really enjoy our gingerbread kits!






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With our huge variety of bulk pack products, our food service division never misses a mark!

We have over 50 years experience with and know how to make a successful food service program.  Visit our large bulk pack cookie packages to see how well they can work for you!






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Our modern 140,000 square foot bakery facility is capable of producing a broad range of bakery products, carefully baked to your recipe and packaging specifications.

Our Sales and Marketing specialists are eager to assist in the development and implementation of your custom baking requirements.



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View our latest brochures in our online catalog reader or download a PDF version. We have low res and high res versions available for download.

You can also easily browse to this section with your mobile device like an iPad or iphone and download a copy there too!





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SLC-newsSign up for our E-Newsletter and be the first to hear about new products and promotions!

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Since 1965 Silver Lake Cookie Company, a family business, has been committed to selling products that meet the highest standards of quality and freshness.  We strive to consistently provide our customers with impeccable service, efficiency, knowledge, professionalism and integrity in our work.   We are working to keep our concepts fresh, exciting and on the cutting edge of the Baking Industry.[/sidebar_tab]

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